by | Mar 28, 2014 | Sales Process:
For many homes and markets, professional help from someone in “staging” makes good financial sense. Like this video say, check your staging options first. If you are doing it yourself, here are 5 key tips. One – Depersonalize. You...
by | Mar 28, 2014 | Going To Market:
Home size is one of the key figures used in comparisons. But you may have different measurements to choose from, as you’ll learn in this video, including builder, appraiser, tax records and possibly owner records. Which one is right, and which one is...
by | Mar 28, 2014 | Going To Market:
If you’re selling, don’t do these things – take some notes from the video! 1. Don’t Sell Before The House Is Ready. If it doesn’t present well, it won’t sell well. 2. Don’t Over-Improve People buy houses in neighborhoods. If...
by | Mar 28, 2014 | Financing:
Every house is unique; appraisers are trained and licensed for expertise in putting a value on properties. Appraisers don’t work for the buyer or the seller; their primary mission is actually to protect the lender who’s risking money against the...
by | Mar 28, 2014 | Sales Process:
As this video explains, a signed sales contract doesn’t mean your house is sold. There are still financial, contractual and legal steps for both sides. The buyer has to get financing to meet the contract terms – which includes credit checks. The property...